Day one

It's done! The delivery probably wasn't what you imagined or maybe it was, but you did it! Your baby is here! That's always something to be very proud of. You created a new life. You have to recover from childbirth, sometimes you still have to stay in the hospital. Snuggle up in your bed and stay there for a bit of camping for the time being. After giving birth, the first 4 days are full of adrenaline; Sleeping is difficult. You rest in bed anyway. Peeing burns, with or without stitches. 

You might have lost more blood than average and you will lose a lot of blood on the first day (long menstrual period). Peeing in the shower is often the best. During the first 24 hours, your baby will breastfeed a few times. That takes some getting used to for both of you. It seemed so simple with other women... Try not to stress; Your baby has just been born and has eaten well through the umbilical cord until birth. Newborns have some reserve glucose storage in the body, called glycogen. The first days you wont have a lot of breastmilk yet. Thats completely normal.

Keep your child close to you, let him/her smell you. Learning to latch on to the breast takes time. A baby looks for your nipple when he is hungry and the more your nipple is a point, the easier it is. If you bottle feed, your child will get 10 milliliters at a time. It is nice if your child drinks breast or bottle 4 times in the first 24 hours. The baby doesn't have to pee yet, but after 24 hours the baby will have pooped. That poop is black and sticky (meconium).

Day one

It's done! The delivery was actually always different than expected, but you did it! Your baby is here! That's always something to be very proud of. Life goes on after you! You have to recover from childbirth, sometimes you still have to stay in the hospital. Snuggle up in your bed and stay there for a bit of camping for the time being. After giving birth, the first 4 are full of adrenaline; Sleeping is difficult. You rest in bed anyway. Peeing burns, with or without stitches. You also lose relatively a lot of blood on the first day (long menstrual period). Peeing in the shower is often the best. During the first 24 hours, your baby will breastfeed a few times. That takes some getting used to for both of you. It seemed so simple with other women... Try not to stress; Your baby has just been born and has eaten well through the umbilical cord until birth. Keep your child close to you, let him smell you. Learning to latch on to the breast takes time. A baby looks for your nipple when he is hungry and the more your nipple is a point, the easier it is. If you bottle feed, your child will get 10 milliliters at a time. It is nice if your child drinks breast or bottle 4 times in the first 24 hours. The baby doesn't have to pee yet, but after 24 hours the baby will have pooped. That poop is black and sticky (meconium).