Stages of labor

Latent phase

In this phase you can still cope with the contractions and be actively busy with other things. The cervix will expire (flatten) and also become softer. Only when the cervix is completely flat and soft can dilation start. The duration of this phase varies per delivery and takes a little longer if it is your first child.

Active phase

From 3-4 cm you end up in the active phase. The contractions are now more powerful and also more painful. They come every 3-5 minutes and last for more than 1 minute. You will now have to focus on coping with the contractions.

In this phase, dilation progresses at an average rate of 1 cm per hour in your first child. If it is not your first child, this phase will probably be faster.

From about 7-8 cm you end up in the so-called desperate period; This phase is the hardest and the contractions are now the most painful. When you are fully dilated, the cervix is open enough to allow the baby to pass through. Often at the peak of a contraction you feel a pressing urge. Fully dilated, the cervix is open enough to allow the baby to pass through. Often at the peak of a contraction you feel that you have to push along (poo feeling).

This urge gets stronger and stronger and at a certain point you really can't hold it back anymore. Contractions push your baby down a bit, but your strength is also very much needed. During a contraction, you push with all your strength towards your anus to push your baby out. With a first child you push for an average of 1 to 1.5 hours, with subsequent children this is often shorter. When your baby is born, the pain of the intense contractions is immediately gone. You can still have a bit of a nagging cramp in your belly. This is a reaction of the uterus to give birth to the placenta (placenta) and membranes. We push a little on your belly and you yourself will have to push again for the birth of the placenta and membranes. We always check that the placenta and membranes are complete. This is to keep blood loss as minimal as possible.

We have medication (oxytocin) with us , in case of excessive bloodloss.