What to expect from us?

During the pregnancy you have seen us and we have done check-ups on you. But if you call us during childbirth; What do we do then? If you are under our care at the start of the birth, we will in principle supervise the delivery. You choose whether you want to give birth at home or in the hospital with us. 

The dutch midwives and the Dutch primary maternity care system is unique in the world and is even on the UNESCO world heritage list. They are medically trained and specialized in childbirth, prenatal, postnatal care and pediatrics. They are legally authorized to administer certain medication and carry a acute bag with them at all times. They are highly trained in acute situations. This among other factors is part of what makes homebirth safe in the Netherlands. 

It is possible that during the pregnancy, for example due to your previous delivery, there might be a medical indication for a hospitalbirth with our guidance. (a homebirth is not recommended)

Examples include: 

  • Excessive bleeding during or after a previous delivery (fluxus).
  • Group B-Streptococcal carrier status (if you wish to give birth with antibiotics)

There are also medical indications that arise during childbirth. Our colleagues in the hospital will then supervise the delivery. 

Examples include:

  • When the baby has defecated in the amniotic fluid (meconium-containing amniotic fluid).
  • Desire for pain relief during childbirth (other than nitrous oxide)

Sometimes there is already a medical indication during pregnancy, in which case your pregnancy and delivery will be guided by a midwife in the hospital and gynaecologist.We will, in this case, visit you again when you are home and continue to care for you.


  • Previous caesarean section (up to 36 weeks with us under care)
  • Due to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, a planned induction may be necessary and you might have to take certain medication and will be monitored closely in the hospital.

If you need us during the delivery, please call us on the service number. Depending on the stage of delivery, we will visit you at home and do check-ups. If it is your first birth and you want to give birth in the hospital, there is often still room to wait at home after the first visit. We usually agree to come back about 2-3 hours later. We check the progress of the dilatation, softening of the cervix and the descendance of the baby's head. If it is not your first child, the delivery often goes a little faster, and there is often enough dilation for us the first visit to stay with you or to go to the hospital together. We monitor progress and safety during childbirth and always start from physiology. We advise and inform you during the delivery, but never do anything routinely or without your permission. Sometimes you experience the pain as too intense to sustain and pain relief is necessary. When it's needed,  we will arrange it for you. 

Our clinical colleagues will take over and monitor your health and that of the baby for the remaining duration of the delivery. (with the exception of nitrous oxide) 

Because painrelief can result in additional risks and adverse effects you and your baby will be closely monitored.

We always accompany you and ensure that you are comfortable before we transfer care.

Read more about this under the heading pain relief during childbirth here: Painrelief

Once the baby arrives, it basically goes straight to your chest and is dried off.

Sometimes we need to stimulate the baby or help the baby take its first breaths. We will always explain when this happens.

 We will work on the afterbirth. It usually comes after 20 minutes. You can expect us:

  • to wait untill the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating (delayed cord clamping )
  •  skin to skin contact
  •  We never administer medication routinely, only when medically necessary
  •  We aim to explain what we do and why 
  • After giving birth, we will check whether you need stitches. If this is the case, we will give you a local anesthetic.

When you have recovered a little and the baby has perhaps already drunk from the breast, we weigh the baby and do a neonatal physical examination. This examination includes screening tests to find out if your baby has any problems with their eyes, heart, hips and, in boys, testicles (testes).

We give the baby vitamin K postpartum. You can read more about vitamin K here: vit K

Communication with you about what we are doing is very important. Sometimes you had planned to give birth at home, but it goes so slowly that we recommend going to the hospital and vice versa it may be that you did not want to go home, but that it went so fast that you stayed at home anyway. Or you changed your mind. It's all good as long mother and child are doing well.