Midwifery Practice |

Your period stayed out, you did a test and ... the test was positive! Excited, happy, a little shocked, maybe it wasn't quite planned or you need to get used to the idea.
The delivery
After coming for regular and increasingly frequent check-ups throughout the pregnancy, everything continued to go well. That's great!
Once your baby is born, we’ll visit you at home several times during the first week. Together with the maternity care specialist, we'll take care of you.
Our ultrasound practice
We perform all medical ultrasounds during pregnancy. Our experienced ultrasound technicians are medical ultrasound technicians. We are proud to be able to offer all our services in one location.
Intake/first appointment
Your first check-up at the practice is usually around 9 weeks. During this visit, we’ll ask you and your partner about your health, your job, offer advice, and take a blood sample. We’ll also listen to the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler. With the information from this check-up, we’ll work with you to create a personal pregnancy plan.
Prenatal screening
You can have your unborn baby tested for certain conditions if you wish. This is called prenatal testing or screening.
Make an appointment
Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, our assistant Rowan is happy to help you on 020-6151047.
Always nearby!
For non-urgent questions, you can text or Whatsapp us on our mobile number or email info@verloskundigen-nwb.nl.
Over 50 years of experience!
For labour, bleeding, urgent complaints, or pressing questions, you can call us day and night on 06-53169871.
Available day and night in case of emergency
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